The Wedding DJ, Not The Club DJ

The wedding DJ.

Not the club DJ or the house party DJ. The person responsible for playing music at, perhaps and we hope, one of the most important moments of your life.

I mean when you welcome your first child into the world ... you might get a DJ for that too. Que gif of baby doing the stanky leg.

But anyways ... It’s your wedding!

Be it hours out of the day, those hours are yours. The guests at your wedding are there for you. Friends and family, friends that are like family. It's a celebration! And celebrations call for good music.

Yet this is not a night out at the club …

… with some friends, where the lights are off and you can't hear each other talk, or even think, where you are mingling with strangers and more than likely don't know who's playing the music.

Your wedding is intimate. You very well might see these people again. You'll at least look back at the pictures.

Some of my favorite pictures from my wedding are those candid moments when my friends and family were getting down on the dance floor. I had a chance to meet the DJ for my wedding. Shared some Jamaican and Trinidadian music to include when it was time to dance, courtesy of my now wife,  and he worked it into his playlist and that party ... I mean wedding … was ... excuse my 2000's slang ... crackin'.

You ever hear the term "wedding food."

Your friend tells you they went to a wedding and you ask "how was the food?" and with an smug look and a shrug they say "eh, it was wedding food." Usually the food isn't great, maybe lacking salt or too much, but the food also isn't terrible.

Yeah, we don't want that to also be said about your DJ. "How was the music? did you dance much?" "Eh, it was a wedding DJ". You deserve more than that. It’s possible to have delicious food at your wedding. It’s possible to have, not just “a DJ” but “the DJ” that rises to the level of excellence your wedding needs. It’s not an accident, it’s about time, preparation, and skill.

Wedding DJ in Napa Valley. Vineyard Wedding DJ.

DJ’s are supposed to make you dance

When I had my wedding, besides looking forward to some good Caribbean food, I was looking forward to the dancing. I had full confidence in my wedding DJ. And just like I have no regrets about the food that was served that day because we took our time and hired the right people, I have no regrets about the wedding DJ we had.

Today, almost 10 years later people say "the food at your wedding was some of the best we've had... and that party was crackin"

Yeah, the wedding DJ is important. And PreciseBlend has the DJ’s for you. Book a Discovery Call today and get the right DJ for your day.


The Ultimate Wedding DJ Checklist


5 Things You Should Tell Your Wedding DJ